
Things Could Be Worse - Phil Jones

Lately I've been feeling pretty unhappy.  I have gotten a few of my midterm marks back and they have been less than perfect. I know it makes sense that taking a heavier course load leads to not doing as well, but this is a hard thing for me.  I've always done well in school and this whole bad-grades thing is really getting me down.

Well not anymore!  I have been spending a great deal of time thinking about how these few bad marks are the worst things ever, but, newsflash, they're not!  Things could be going a lot worse and certainly are for millions of others.  Even though I didn't ace my tests I still get to go to home to warmth, food, love, and comfort, 4 things a lot of people don't have.

I am an extremely fortunate person.  I go to a great school, I have amazing friends and a supportive and loving family.  If there is ever something I need I almost always have a means of getting it. I also have abundant food sources, access to not only clean water but the best water on the planet and live in a country where I don't have to worry about getting in trouble for going to school, not being able to receive health care or being caught in the cross fire of a war.

In comparison to so many others my life is fantastic.  While I'm sitting here fretting over some bad grade other people my age are trying to figure out where they will be sleeping tonight or how they will take care of their 4 siblings, or where they will find food tomorrow.

So, whatever it is that is getting you down, although it may truly be sucky and upsetting, it could (almost always) be worse.

Beach Walk

There is nothing like going for a walk along the beach on a beautiful afternoon with people you love!  Zoe and I had been sitting inside all day working on homework [and maybe playing some Sims...] so we decided to seize the beautiful day and go for a walk!  We blasted Tegan and Sara on the way down and spent the rest of the time walking and laughing and chatting!  It was a great time!


Whenever I come home from school I usually spend a day with my nana.  We'll either go to the states or Michael's and then out for lunch.  Today we drove down to the quaint town of Fairhaven in south Bellingham.  It was a beautiful day so we were able to stroll leisurely through the street and wander into the shops and admire the old buildings.  Although there weren't many "shopping" shops it was nice to just walk around and spend time with my nana.  Hope you were able to enjoy the beautiful day too!

weekend fun

This week is reading break!  That means I am home all week!  I'm pretty excited to spend time with my family, see some friends, catch up on some shows and relax on the couch.  So far, I've already spent some quality time with my mom antiquing in Fort Langley, had a night of laughs, food, music and dance and spent a relaxing Sunday napping and movie watching.  The week is off to a good start and I am happy to be in my own bed and being with the people I love!

On Repeat: Valentines Special

In honour of Valentines Day week I made a list of my favourite love songs.  I am single as a Kraft Single out of it's package but I still love Valentines day!

Ingrid Michaelson - "You & I"
Rachel Portman - "Never Let Me Go"
Ingrid Michaelson - "Little Romance"
Elvis Presley - "Can't Help Falling In Love With You"
Aerosmith - "I Don't Want to Miss a Thing"
Prince - "I Wanna Be Your Lover"
Elton John - "Can You Feel The Love Tonight"
Whitney Houston - "I Will Always Love You"

Family Weekend

This weekend, in honour of BC's first Family Day, my sister came to visit me!  Even though I had a lot of studying to do and was getting over a cold we still managed to have a great time.  We went on night drives, went shopping, ate more crap than I have eaten in a looong time and spent some good quality time chillin in my bed watching the Grammy's and Gilmore Girls. 

Hope everyone else had a great weekend and spent this wonderful holiday with family!

Weekend Inspiration

Just a little reminder for people for the week leading up to Valentines Day.

Hope y'all have a great weekend!  I will be spending mine studying in the library and playin with my sister who is coming over for the weekend!!


I am trying to eat healthier.  I decided to start today!  This morning I made myself a DELICIOUS breakfast of strawberry yogurt with granola topped with fresh strawberries!  It was quite numptious.

Eating healthy is important and I need to do it more often.  Making things taste yummy is key to this so this is what I intend to do!  Eat healthy and yummy!

Hope y'all are eating well and feeling great!  Happy Monday!

Weekend Inspiration

Ralph Waldo Emerson.
I know I'm very late and that the weekend is practically over but just incase anyone needs a little bit of inspiration to get them through the last few hours of studying or reading or homework or life in general, here it is!
I think these three things are all important to being a healthy functioning person in society.  People often take themselves too seriously and forget that it's ok to be silly!  A lot of people also don't always tell the truth because they think it might hurt someone's feelings, but truth is, honesty is always the best policy!  Finally, kindness is a thing the world could use a little bit more of.  The news has been full of sad things the past couple of days and it would be nice to hear more about people being kind to each other!  Hope everyone had a great weekend and is ready for the week ahead!